
Enjoying Ibérico Ham takes seconds. Creating it, takes time

If there’s one thing that characterizes the process of making Ibérico Ham is that it is a NATURAL PROCESS BASED ON LENGTHY PERIODS OF PREPARATION AND CURING. The Quality Standard (RD 4/2014) governs the production of Ibérico ham in Spain, sets the criteria and requirements for the classification and labeling of Ibérico ham to ensure its authenticity and quality. This standard sets a minimum curing period of 20 months, but in reality, this period often extends for several years. 4, 5, 6, 7… YEARS may pass before you experience the unique aroma and flavour of Ibérico Ham. 

Time is everything

A breed takes long years to establish. A holm oak takes decades to produce acorns. A tradition takes centuries to be passed down. Ibérico Ham takes time—lots of time—to become our finest symbol of identit

Time salting

A day per kilo 

Before salting, the piece must be shaped and trimmed. Next, it is covered with wet salt  at a rate of about one day per kilogram. The salt is used to facilitate dehydration and natural preservation.

Time settling and drying

Between one and three months

The Ibérico Ham pieces begin a journey through different rooms where there will be a progressive increase in temperature and a decrease in humidity, aimed at achieving an even distribution of salt.

Time curing and aging

Between two and three years

Ibérico Ham pieces rest in NATURAL CURING BARNS where humidity and temperature are controlled by opening and closing windows,  aided by the local weather conditions. It can also mature in CELLARS—cool, dark places where the pieces age very slowly and carefully. During this phase, the “sweating” of the ham occurs, meaning the diffusion of the infiltrated fat responsible for the unique flavour and aroma of Ibérico Ham. It is during this curing stage that the ham acquires its characteristic smell, texture, and colour.

Calado time

A few minutes

The ham master determines solely by touch whether the piece has reached its optimal stage of maturation before removing it from the curing room, and, on occasion, he inserts the traditional “cala” into the ham to verify that it is in perfect condition for sale.

Time enjoying


may take in order to enjoy an exquisite plate of Ibérico Ham. In SILENCE, with your EYES fixed on the shine that expands and melts with the soft and delicate TEXTURE. With unmistakable AROMAS and a FLAVOUR unlike anything else in the world. A SECOND IN THE MOUTH, A MEMORY FOREVER.