Environmental, social and economic sustainability
The Ibérico Sector has joined the Green Deal and its commitments including achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and transitioning to a more sustainable food system. These  goals align with the ONUS’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). In this regard, the Ibérico sector bets on a sustainable use of the natural resources within a circular and clean economy, minimizing the environmental impact of its production activities and offsetting its ecological footprint.

This sector is fully committed to the environment but also to the social and economic development of the rural areas of Spain. For many years,  a wide range of initiatives that demonstrate its strong environmental dedication and enhance its vital role as a social and economic pillar in rural communities have been implemented.


– The Dehesa as a CO2 natural sink. 
– Commitment to natural feeds and local cereal crops.
– Reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases. 
– Minimization of the Carbon Footprint plans such as the replacement of outdated equipment with more efficient alternatives, the reduction of  electricity consumption, the regulation of cleaning water temperatures.


– Sustainable water management.
– Optimization of water consumption. The reduction of the water use up to a 30% in the latest years.
– Mandatory construction of fenced and impermeable reservoirs to prevent the risk of filtration and contamination of both surface and groundwater.


– Commitment to the use of renewable energy sources
– Reduction of energy consumption


– Waste management plans for used packaging.
– Reducing single-use plastics. Eco-friendly packaging solutions.


– Economic engine in the rural areas of Spain,generating vitality even in the most disadvantaged areas.
– Main support in rural communities, with the Ibérico sector serving as an antidote to Europe’s Demographic Challenge.
– Creates wealth and jobs, ensuring the future of local communities by helping to retain residents in areas at risk of depopulation.
– Equal gender opportunities, aiming to achieve 50% female employment
– Fosters employment in related sectors, drives significant research and development activities, and contributes to the scientific and technological advancement of our country
– Commits to sourcing from local or nearby suppliers (auxiliary industries, feed, professional services, etc).


– Reinforces the Circular Economy across the entire chain based on the principle of Reduce – Reuse – Recycle.
– Emphasizes Corporate Social Responsibility.
– Ensures fair economic returns throughout the food chain.